<aside> ℹ️ This documentation is for brands sending product data files and images to Fashion Cloud to be used on several products
Table of contents:
To ensure product data meets the highest possible standard, we have compiled detailed instructions here. Please read these instructions carefully to minimize processing time. You can find information on data requirements, how to transmit data, which formats are accepted and also some insights into how your data is displayed on the different Fashion Cloud products.
The requirements for product data depend on the type of product. For each industry there are also different levels of data quality. All attributes with the basic data quality are required. E-commerce attributes are strongly recommended and E-commerce pro and other attributes are optional. Find additional documentation on data quality here:
<aside> ❗ There are some additional requirements when you want to join pre-order or the showroom, you can also find these listed in the tables. These concern the attributes: visibility flags, shooting type, catalog, and delivery dates
Fashion Cloud (FC) Attribute (Yes/No) = This attribute will be translated into Fashion Cloud standard values and automatically translated in the available platform languages
Multi-language (Yes/No) = These attributes can be shown in the original translation (not standardized). If you have "own" translations of your attributes you can add them as new columns in the following languages:
Platform languages: German, English, French, Dutch, Italian, Danish, and Russian
Additional languages available via API: Spanish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, and Swedish
Showroom languages: English
An example header list coding: Color-DE, Color-EN, Color-FR, Color-NL, Color-IT, Color-ES, Color-DK, Color-NO, Color-FI, Color-PL.