Here we post updates concerning our API and the available attributes in our product data.

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Increased limit on v2/products endpoint


Up until now the v2/products endpoint would return only up to 200 items. We have increased the limit to 1000 items. Since the default setting is 200 items you need to pass the &limit=1000 parameter in your request to benefit from this setting

More performant iteration on v2/products with changed parameters


We have added an (optional) afterId parameter to our v2/products endpoint that significantly increases the speed of querying product data of brands with a lot of data. It replaces the offset parameter. We recommend the implementation of the new afterId parameter since it can be up to 5x faster. However the old offset parameter will still be supported.

Read the detailed description here

Product image metadata for better sorting introduced


In our product endpoint we now return metadata in the images array that contains information about shoot type and view type. We also pass a boolean value isMainImage that determines the image that should be displayed as the first image. This update doesn't break any existing functionality

Read the detailed description here